Thursday, April 11, 2013

Ready Set Go

Important lesson from today: if you don't start your day right when you wake up, the rest of your day will suck.
When you wake up in the morning, don't just go sit your tukus on the couch and stay there.

By starting your day I mean showering/working out, getting chores done, basically start active.

This morning when I woke up, I thought, "well, I did so good yesterday and the day before that I can probably just do a relaxing day."
Well... my "relaxing day" turned into a "sitting on the couch with my eyes glued to pinterest day". Yeah, it sucked.
My mom and I had a great talk aboit a week ago about how we don't feel disciplined and need to be present in our decisions.  I think that applies here. I wasn't disciplined enough to do anything else with my day or even give myself a time limit on the tablet.
I could have worked on my writing, read a book, taken a bubble bath, drawn in my design on my apron, made a clay mask, done cross-stitching, drawn with my oil crayons, made something decorative for the house, baked something....the list goes on.
How dissappointing to look at the clock and realize it's 8pm and I haven't even spent proper time with Matt.

Lesson number three: Start your day actively.

Something that helps me is writing out a list of specific things I like to do for fun, then I can choose from it. Give yourself time limits too so you're not doing one thing the whole day.

P.S. I made a homemade laundry detergent. Still in the process of trying it out. Review to come.

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