Wednesday, June 13, 2012


I hate the phrase "I complete me". Who the heck are we to think such a thing?
Who am I without my parent? Without my friends? Without those who I love?
Who am I without the world?
If I completed myself I would not be able to say I have found my soulmate, the person who is like my puzzle piece. If I completed myself I would not be able to thank the people who have influenced me. If I completed myself, children would be nothing to me.
The world would be such a lonely place if I completed myself. There would be no need for other people.

As it is, I am incomplete and glad that I am or I would have no room for anyone else in my heart. I am not perfect and do not know everything so I am glad that there are people who can help me "complete the picture".

My faith completes me, my family completes me, my friends, my boyfriend,  even those who I don't like or have never even met complete me. We make up this world.

How selfish would I be if I thought I completed myself??? I am only one part of this world.

We complete each other, and in that, I find myself completed.

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