Wednesday, July 24, 2013

It's All Coming Back to Me Now....(plus my favorite ever facewash recipe)

Wow, I really got out of the habit of posting, didn't I?

Well, here's the latest in my life:

I quit my waitressing job (yay!) and got a job at Hobby Lobby here in town (yay!), I still have to say I'm definitely a "could spend all my time piddling around at home" girl, but 1) I need the exercise and 2) I'm not one for being a hermit.

Oh, and I could use the $$$.

So, I've been at HL for almost two months now and it's great so far. Seeing as I've worked there before it's a breath of fresh I-know-what-I'm-doing.

Besides that our little Binx passed away this past Monday. Not to mention that he drowned, so it was very sudden and I was the one that found him.
I'm not ok, but I know I will be....eventually.

Moving on before I start bawling again...

At the beginning of this year I went into hyperdrive with all this homemade/natural/green/from scratch stuff. I've made deodorant, cleaning supplies, shampoo, conditioner, facewash, salves, bath teas, bath bombs, cold-process soaps, laundry detergent, dishwasher detergent, and so much more. 

My next post will detail my reviews about all these, BUT I do have to tell you about my facewash!!!

Now this is something I am REALLY excited to tell you about. I have tried so many different recipes, most of them including oil of some sort. I hated it, I literally hated it. I came to understand that people who have gotten good results from it either didn't use it long enough to get REAL results, or their skin is special enough that it works for them. 
For me, I felt like I was caking more onto my face than taking anything off. Yes, it felt smooth after I washed my face, but it didn't feel right. I felt dirtier than before I had washed my face. So, I experimented with using coconut oil (instead of my go to grapeseed oil), sugar, and essential oils. I still didn't like it. Then, one magical day I got some green clay from my co-op to make a mask out of. The mask recipe included honey, water and the clay. Then on another magical day (actually about 2 weeks ago) I thought, "Why not try it like a facewash?" So I did the mask recipe, added some brown sugar for scrub effect, and some tea tree oil to help with break-outs. O.M.G. people. I love this stuff! It actually gets my face clean and I haven't had to worry about break-outs since I STARTED using it! The recipe goes something like this:

1 mason jar (6 oz)
circa 1/2 cup honey
1/4 cup brown sugar
2-3 tsp green clay
circa 15 drops tea tree oil

I mixed a little bit of honey with the clay first cause clay likes to clump. Keep adding honey a little at a time until it's all combined. Then add your sugar. Mix. Add your tea tree oil (I put in enough to just cover over the top of the mixture). Mix. Use. 
It looks like snot which is awesome, and it becomes this fun kind of slightly foamy texture which is fun too, but it also smells like honey!!! Matt has suddenly gotten into this habit of kissing my cheek a lot after I wash my face...huh....

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