Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Silver Lining

It's funny the ways God bails people out of situations, even when it seems like the whole world is crashing down.

Basically in a nut shell- I got into a car accident about a month ago, forgot what the court date was and ended up missing it, had to pay $300 dollars (which I would not have had if I had skipped a couple days of work like I wanted to last week). I remember getting the pay check last Friday and being oober amazed at how big it was,  "This is going directly into my savings!" I told myself. Ha.

At least I had the means to get out of a sticky situation. Praise God. It's still disappointing because that pay check was a big leap in being able to get back "home" (Ames).

I'm also thankful for boyfriends that give good advice, even if I don't always listen ;).
By the way, it's his birthday today, my big 23 year old (I'm still older, honey). Poor guy doesn't even get the luxury of saying that he's the same age as me for a couple days.

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